Plouf is the cat who roams freely in my workspace -- on my lap, and across the keys. 1@#46%&zzzzzz is her current URL. Plouf means splash in French; specifically the sound a fish makes when it completes the arc of a leap and plops into the water. Plouf is also the name of a seafood restaurant in San Francisco.

THE GRAMMAR POLICE ~ conquering those pesky rules!

It's a tiresome job, but someone's got to do it.  I cringe whenever I attempt to listen to a commentator on TV. The errors in grammar are often horrendous; this from folks who call themselves journalists.  Most offensive to me is the misuse of pronouns.

        "Who stole the pie?"
        "It was her."       (the sound of fingernails on a blackboard.  Remind me to look in my Blogging for Dummies book to find out how to insert audio!)

    Extend the sentence to say "It was her who stole the pie," ... and the sound rattles in your ear.  "It was she who stole the pie"    Rhubarb, I think!  Anybody who's reading this should know better, but some of the fiction  I've encountered contains much worse.